
High Cholesterol: What All Menopausal Women Need to Know

High Cholesterol: What All Menopausal Women Nee...


,"entityRanges":<>,"data":{}},{"key":"ftcdh","text":"","type":"unstyled","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":<>,"entityRanges":<>,"data":{}},{"key":"25ogk","text":"Cholesterol has a few interesting roles in the body.","type":"unstyled","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":<>,"entityRanges":<>,"data":{}},{"key":"72q71","text":"","type":"unstyled","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":<>,"entityRanges":<>,"data":{}},{"key":"46qm8","text":"It's used in the synthesis of hormones, has a neuroprotective role in the brain, and is an essential component of cell membranes,...

High Cholesterol: What All Menopausal Women Nee...


,"entityRanges":<>,"data":{}},{"key":"ftcdh","text":"","type":"unstyled","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":<>,"entityRanges":<>,"data":{}},{"key":"25ogk","text":"Cholesterol has a few interesting roles in the body.","type":"unstyled","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":<>,"entityRanges":<>,"data":{}},{"key":"72q71","text":"","type":"unstyled","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":<>,"entityRanges":<>,"data":{}},{"key":"46qm8","text":"It's used in the synthesis of hormones, has a neuroprotective role in the brain, and is an essential component of cell membranes,...

Signs & Symptoms of Thyroid Problems in Menopausal Women

Signs & Symptoms of Thyroid Problems in Menopau...


,"entityRanges":<>,"data":{}},{"key":"cqu6h","text":"· Too much estrogen inhibits thyroid function. High blood levels of estrogen signal the liver to increase the production of thyroid-binding globulin (TBG). This is an inhibitor protein that binds...

Signs & Symptoms of Thyroid Problems in Menopau...


,"entityRanges":<>,"data":{}},{"key":"cqu6h","text":"· Too much estrogen inhibits thyroid function. High blood levels of estrogen signal the liver to increase the production of thyroid-binding globulin (TBG). This is an inhibitor protein that binds...

What Causes Type II Diabetes During Menopause & How To Prevent It

What Causes Type II Diabetes During Menopause &...


,"entityRanges":<{"offset":203,"length":10,"key":0}>,"data":{}},{"key":"fnck","text":"Age you faster","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":<>,"entityRanges":<>,"data":{"dynamicStyles":{}}},{"key":"7ak18","text":"Increase your risk of heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer's","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":<>,"entityRanges":<>,"data":{"dynamicStyles":{}}},{"key":"4evks","text":"\nRecently, a high safflower oil diet was found to cause diabetes (Ikemoto, et al.), and obesity itself is thought to...

What Causes Type II Diabetes During Menopause &...


,"entityRanges":<{"offset":203,"length":10,"key":0}>,"data":{}},{"key":"fnck","text":"Age you faster","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":<>,"entityRanges":<>,"data":{"dynamicStyles":{}}},{"key":"7ak18","text":"Increase your risk of heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer's","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":<>,"entityRanges":<>,"data":{"dynamicStyles":{}}},{"key":"4evks","text":"\nRecently, a high safflower oil diet was found to cause diabetes (Ikemoto, et al.), and obesity itself is thought to...

The Health Risks of Synthetic Hormone Replacement Therapy

The Health Risks of Synthetic Hormone Replaceme...


Replacement Therapy The theme of the 1950s was "better living through chemistry." Subsequently, a scientist named Edward Adelbert Doisy discovered various forms of estrogen. Estrogen replacement therapy began to be...

The Health Risks of Synthetic Hormone Replaceme...


Replacement Therapy The theme of the 1950s was "better living through chemistry." Subsequently, a scientist named Edward Adelbert Doisy discovered various forms of estrogen. Estrogen replacement therapy began to be...

Suffering from Thyroid Problems? Signs & Symptoms to Look Out For in Women

Suffering from Thyroid Problems? Signs & Sympto...


Thyroid problems are the talk of the town lately - as they should be! Thyroid hormones are extremely important because they impact virtually every cell in the body. Approximately 1...

Suffering from Thyroid Problems? Signs & Sympto...


Thyroid problems are the talk of the town lately - as they should be! Thyroid hormones are extremely important because they impact virtually every cell in the body. Approximately 1...

Can Vitamin E Alter Estrogen?

Can Vitamin E Alter Estrogen?


You may have heard of vitamin E as a solution for skin issues and for heart disease, but did you know vitamin E has a powerful effect on hormones and...

Can Vitamin E Alter Estrogen?


You may have heard of vitamin E as a solution for skin issues and for heart disease, but did you know vitamin E has a powerful effect on hormones and...