Progesterone: Key to solving fibroids, endometriosis, and fibrocystic breasts?

Progesterone: Key to solving fibroids, endometriosis, and fibrocystic breasts?

daniel garcia
  1. Fibroids

Fibroids (aka myomas) are benign tumors composed of muscle and fibrous tissue that can grow to the size of grapefruits. What causes fibroids? Fibroids are due to excessive estrogen and deficient progesterone more than anything else. Interestingly enough, it is possible to produce fibroids in experimental animals by injection of estrogen. Progesterone is a hormone that balances estrogen and has a protective role in the body. When estrogen levels are too high and progesterone is low, fibroids may develop. Progesterone production often decreases during the 30’s and 40’s, while estrogen production often increases. Improper diet and nutrition, certain medications, and the environment can contribute to this hormonal imbalance. Possible solutions: Given fibroids are likely linked to estrogen, bioidentical progesterone is a known safe and effect treatment for fibroids that can shrink the growth of fibroids and may even prevent them from growing. When reviewing solutions for fibroids, it’s key not to confuse progestin and progesterone. Studies show progestin does not have significant effectiveness. Progestin is not the same as progesterone and in our clinical experiences, progesterone has amazing results for the treatment of fibroids.
  1. Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a condition when tissue that looks and acts like endometrial tissue outside of the uterus, usually on other reproductive organs inside the pelvis or in the abdominal cavity. Each month, this misplaced tissue responds to the hormonal changes of the menstrual cycle by building up and breaking down just as the endometrium does, resulting in small bleeding inside of the pelvis. This leads to inflammation, swelling and scarring of the normal tissue surrounding the endometriosis implants. Endometriosis affects an estimated 2 to 10 percent of American women between the ages of 25 and 40. It is well known that endometriosis is fed by estrogen, and many women with endometriosis also find they can be estrogen dominant. One recent study noted, ”...Since endometriosis is an estrogen-dependent disease, treatment approaches still rely on mechanisms to suppress estrogen action. But this approach has the considerable disadvantage of affecting fertility and producing menopausal-like side effects” (Endometriosis News). Progesterone counteracts the effects of estrogen on the endometrial tissue. Since endometriosis is fueled by estrogen, reducing its influence is a key therapeutic strategy. Progesterone does this by thinning the endometrial-like tissue, which can lessen the pain and reduce the size of endometriotic lesions.
  1. Fibrocystic breasts

Fibrocystic breast disease (FBD) is a common condition where breasts feel painful or lumpy. In recent years, there has been a large increase in fibrocystic breasts and now 90% of women report this condition occurring at some point in their lives. The condition can cause tenders and even pain. Why might this occur in the breasts? Studies have shown that hyperestrogenism are associated with benign breast conditions, as the growth of glandular breast tissue is affected by the levels of estrogen and progesterone in pathological processes. This is unsurprising because of estrogen’s excitatory effects that produces stimulation and growth. One study concluded, “The prevalence of benign breast lesions in postmenopausal women receiving estrogens and progestins for over eight years is increased by 1.7 fold. During the Women’s Health Initiative study (WHI), the combined use of estrogen and progestin correlated with a 74% risk of benign breast disease. The use of anti-estrogens led to a 28% reduction in the prevalence of benign proliferative breast disease” (Santen 2018) Progesterone acts as a natural counterbalance to estrogen. It helps regulate the effects of estrogen on the breast tissue, maintaining a healthy tissue response. Many women apply progesterone topically or take capsules.
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